Case Study


Spotlight On:

  • Closing Deals in Record Time
  • Exceeding Ambitious Projections
  • Working with Several Groups of Individuals and Financial Backers
equinox vsa

The Challenge

Five siblings, two talented brothers, three talented sisters, had taken their background in athletics and astute teamwork from operating one small gymnasium in NYC, to an emerging chain of upscale fitness facilities. They needed to sell their promising launch for a significant sum, without delay, and while managing the full participation and syndication of multiple banks.

The eldest sibling, the team visionary, hired VSA to enable her to coach/inspire/engage her sibling co-founders, her manager employees, her investor community, and to ensure that the deal closed. Specifically, that it closed within the current year, that it met their ambitious target price, and that all banks remained aligned and within the syndication.

The Predictable

The deal would take at least several months or longer to be settled, would close below the desired price, and the several banks involved would double the time for the deal to go through and many could withdraw from the deal.

The Breakthrough

VSA trained the team to operate at the source of inspiring & engaging people and providing exquisite “partner satisfaction,” including with the syndicate of banks. Their breakthroughs came through rigorously completing each and every interaction with the banks and investors. VSA coached Equinox in the power of taking a stand for what was unpredictable.

The three main at-risk outcomes all happened as promised:

  • The deal closed within 5 months (which was unpredictable);
  • The deal closed at 23% higher than the ambitious projection the company had in place; and
  • 100% of the banks remained in the syndication.


The lead sibling wrote at an end-of-year Christmas note, “…no one has had the impact on my life that you have had….”